Saturday, January 22, 2005

Republican Propaganda

Everyone in America is supposed to believe and know that the media is liberal and is dominated by left wing democrats. Apparently, for the sake of discussion, the Republican hacks have decided to continue this "lie" like several others they have disseminated over the past few years. Part of the Republican strategy is, "if you tell a lie long enough, with enough emotional emphasis, the commom man will begin to believe what you say." So, the "lie" that the media is liberal is just that: A bold faced lie!

If you doubt the veracity of this observation, review the recent accolades showered on the President after his inaugural address. From the New York Post; " President Bush stood tall before America and the world yesterday and marked the beginning of his second term with an affirmation of liberty that will resonate for years to come." Ridiculous! The words that were crafted for this special occasion put the rest of the world on alert, because Bush is intent on spreading his type of democracy to the rest of the world. USA Today stated; "When George Bush was inaugirated for the first time four years ago, he devoted only seven sentences to foreign policy. Thursday, a more seasoned and confident Bush delivered a stirring inaugural call to the longstanding American ideal of spreading freedom and democracy around the world." Iraquis citizens can attest to how much happier they are since Bush and the US military might brought democracy and freedom to their homeland. The national newspaper are typically rife with their awe and respect for the man who has bankrupted this country and preemptorily started a war in a foreign country without due cause. Yet, articles about administration misdeeds, "news" stories being produced and made by white house staff members and shown on national and local news stations as the "real" thing about drug use and contraception, stories about how the privitization of Social Security will benefit the working American, propaganda produced by the White House to simply garner the support of the average American for the President to dismantle a program designed to help retired or disabled American workers and not his wealthy cohorts. These stories are buried deep within the pages of the national press, and yet the media is characterized, daily, as "liberal."

Fellow Americans, it's high time to wake up. There is no free lunch program and your expected freedoms and the democracy you spou about to the rest of the world has been traded for oil and enourmous profits for the few at the expense of the rest of us.


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