Monday, February 21, 2005

Bloggers Be Gone!

Well, it’s official. Mainstream journalist and media types can’t wait for the death of Internet Bloggers. But the question becomes “why?” The mainstream media, all except for the N.Y. Times and the Washington Post have all decided to ignore the problem of another conservative plant in the media named Jeff Gannon. Here, under the pseudonym of Jeff Gannon, James Guckert was able to infiltrate, with obvious help from someone inside the White House, the White House Press Room after being turned down for a Capitol Hill press pass. Guckert was allowed into these press meetings with the President of the United States as well as other important high ranking government officials without being scrutinized by the FBI. Yet, cable and network television, except for Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show, have studiously avoided that a highly conservative plant was allowed to penetrate the inner sanctum of the White House Press Room without proper background checks or credentials. It appears that the only credential he needed was his political ideals, decided conservatively, because his politics were the right ones to bypass red tape and protocol. How can the mainstream media just sit while an openly partisan journalist penetrates the White House, asks the President soft questions about the economy, Social Security, and the war in Iraq without an uproar?

Much of the research on Guckert aka Gannon was done by bloggers and the mainstream press and media, rather than doing an investigative report on how the media is being manipulated by this administration, spends their collective time calling for the end to blogs and bloggers. For the sake of argument, it is clear that the only real free press exists on blogs and lies in the hands of bloggers. To be sure, there are very strong conservative Internet sites equipped with their bloggers, but the liberal free press has all but died except in publications like The Nation and of course Internet blogs. Why the mainstream media is bereft of hungry, young journalists’ intent on making a name for themselves a la Bernstein and Woodward is hard to understand and quantify. Where are the journalists and media hounds that went after Bill and Hillary Clinton just a few short years ago?

What began as a place and a means for private people to post their very private feelings about public people or politics has in fact become a place for intelligent, well researched, and yes, politically motivated “news” that is sadly and distinctly missing from the mainstream press and media. Until the air of repression lifts from the national media, owned largely by wealthy conservatives, until this administration is open to questions of every type from journalist and citizens who are seeking answers about public policy or our society, then the power and effect of blogs and bloggers should continue to grow to protect our freedoms and to ask the hard questions.


Blogger SunGrooveTheory said...

"then the power and effect of blogs and bloggers should continue to grow to protect our freedoms and to ask the hard questions".I agree wholeheartedly. I am deeply grateful for blogs (e.g. yours) that are intelligent, informative, and speak out to protect our freedoms.

Thank you very, very much.

2:08 PM  
Blogger SunGrooveTheory said...

Furthermore, how is it that this guy did not come under closer scrutiny from people outside the blogger community? Although it's advantageous that some people found the issue investigation-worthy, it seems like more people should have. But I guess I'm just repeating what you said...

12:52 PM  
Blogger taylorlee said...

I think what many people don't understand is that the media, whether print or televisied news are owned by corporations/individuals who are part of the conservative group that largely support the Bush Administration. Most conservative people have heard for years about "the liberal press/media" yet, few people realize how little "liberal viewppoints" appear in manistream media today. This person that I wrote the article about is the sixth "journalist" plant by this administration. If there are articles about these incidents, they are hidden deep within the publication or not at all.
Think about Robert Novak, the man who was given the name about the CIA Agent, and published it in the news. He, like many administration supporters are somehow above, and it appears and beyonf the laws that the rest of us have to abide by.

4:02 PM  
Blogger SunGrooveTheory said...

How does one research these things, I mean, find out who really runs big newspapers, etc..?

9:13 PM  
Blogger taylorlee said...

The ownership of major newspapers and media outlets is public domain information. Example: the LA Times is owned by The Tribune (Chicago), The Hartford Courat and several television stations. This information is online. If you need further info, you know how to reach me.

1:42 AM  
Blogger SunGrooveTheory said...

A ha. Thank you =)

2:02 PM  
Blogger The Mayor said...

When you say that the national media are owned mostly by wealthy conservatives, I guess you're not speaking about CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, NYT, LAT, Wapo, NPR, so are you really just referring to FOX?

Conservatives love bloggers, we did afterall take down Dan Rather and Jason Blair, expose John Kerry for who he really is, and as far as Gannon is concerned, the main focus of liberal bloggers is that he's gay. That's pretty sad.

9:10 AM  
Blogger taylorlee said...

The ownership and political leanings of the corporate or private ownership (and boardmembers) of any media group is readily available with a little bit of research.
To think the issue revolves around Gannon's sexual preferences is ludicrous. The issue should only be about how this man was able to get into White House Press Conferences without a clearance from the FBI and who in the White House allowed him to enter without proper credentials.
It's too bad you decided to pull a favorite conservative tactic by raising a non-issue (sex) when in fact national security could be at stake

11:28 PM  

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