Saturday, April 02, 2005

Death, Politics, and Taxes

Death, politics, and taxes seem to go hand in hand; both seem to have a negative effect on each of our lives, whether we want them to or not. The fury of the media and a small group of people intent on preserving the partial life of Terri Schiavo seems to have smacked into the brick wall of the inevitability of death. The family, i.e. her parents and the man she married should be able to mourn with dignity and the MSM should find other stories to report.

The issue of this young woman’s life and death should have remained a family issue. While thousands of people die daily in the United States, the MSM and our government decided it was important enough to slow their normal juggernaut speed to stop, glimpse, and comment on a tragedy that will sear the hearts and minds of the people who loved and cherished Mrs. Schiavo for as long as they continue to breathe air. In all too brief a span of time, the MSM will devour another “human interest story” but hopefully our government leaders will have learned that a majority of the people in this country feel that they overstepped their boundaries. Wouldn’t it be grand if the conservatives and liberals could rally together and push legislation through congress for the benefit of poor and hungry children or ensure that the elderly will continue to receive adequate Social Security benefits to live out their days in dignity? Or maybe they could turn their energies towards finding real alternatives to our dependence on petroleum rather than investigate the use of steroids by professional athletes.

Maybe my dream of government officials who feel that they have a responsibility to address the needs and concerns of their constituency rather than the special interests dates me and emphasizes my lack of understanding of what it truly important in life. Lala land seems to be the place to inhabit, except I thought that this was the United States, a place where everyone, rather than the few, could pursue and realize their dreams, a place that offered the best in education and news coverage, business and employment opportunities for its citizens, and more importantly an informed and caring group of legislators who cared more about the public good rather than their next fund raising dinner? Dreams die hard, even for people my age.

Good Bye Mrs. Terri Schiavo and May you truly rest in peace.


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